Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations:
Helping Social Justice Causes Make A Difference

Since its establishment in December 2000, the Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations has worked with various organizations and individuals from nonprofit and other sectors. Our work mostly stays within Japan. We, however, believe that sharing experiences and collaboration beyond borders among individuals and organizations that seek to make a difference are important.

We have introduced successful practices of nonprofit organizations and social entrepreneurs as well as government agencies and for-profit corporations abroad, to our Japanese audience. We believe that it’s equally important to introduce practices in Japan to audiences abroad.

For further information and question about the Office, contact us at info(a)sovap.net. (Replace “(a)” with “@” without double quotation marks.) Please allow us 3 – 5 workdays to get back to you. If your questions/inquiry requires time and effort, we will let you know beforehand of any fees you may be asked to pay. Your kind understanding and cooperation are most appreciated.

About the Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations

The Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations promotes a society where people from diverse backgrounds and values can have a life with hope.

Helping Social Justice Causes Make A Difference

Core Values:

1. Diversity
We believe that an ideal society is a society 1) where all people, regardless of their different backgrounds and values such as nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion and family situation, can live without being discriminated against or suppressed, and 2) where such people from different backgrounds can help each other when necessary.

2. Sustainability
A sustainable society that cares about people’s diversity and the environment would allow people to coexist with other people and the natural world now and in the future. By doing so, we will be able to maintain our rich cultures and environments.

3. Risk Management
It is important for individuals and organizations that are trying to achieve just societies to understand their legal and social/moral responsibilities and to manage risks associated with their activities.

4. Effective Use of Social Resources
In order to achieve a diverse and sustainable society, the Office believes that individuals and organizations need to effectively use social resources, including people, knowledge, information and accommodation.

5. Advocacy, Lobbying and Democracy
To create a more equitable society, advocacy and lobbying, in addition to collaboration and partnership, are necessary. The Office will advocate and lobby to promote democratic practices.

What We Do:

1. Train/Lecture/Present on nonprofit management, social change, sustainability, corporate social responsibilities (CSR), etc

2. Consult researches on risk management for nonprofit organizations

3. Conduct researches on the nonprofit sector, CSR, SDGs, voluntarism, etc.

4. Provide other services , including translation (Japanese/English) and proposals for research/fact-finding/study tours, etc.

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History:The Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations was established as the Risk Management Office for Japanese Nonprofits in 2000. Its mission was to promote the importance and good practices of risk management for nonprofit organizations in Japan.

On December 1st in 2020, the Risk Management Office for Japanese Nonprofits changed its name to the “Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations” to better describe its mission, vision and values.

The Risk Management Office for Nonprofit Organizations (hereinafter, “the Office”) is an independent consultant/training/research/advocacy office that helps nonprofit organizations and other social change agents achieve their mission and values by managing risks associated with their activities.

The Office strongly believes that civic engagement by diverse populations is important for sustainability and democracy and that opportunities of such civic engagement are largely created and provided by nonprofit and/or community activities. The Office also believes that these activities can maximize their chances to make a difference in society by properly managing risks associated with such activities.

Who Runs the Office?

代表中原美香の人物イラストMika NAKAHARA

Mika, born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, has advocated the importance of risk management in the nonprofit sector including nonprofit organizations and organizations that support nonprofit organizations, in Japan.

She has worked at universities in Japan on issues including nonprofit management, human rights, CSR and volunteer internship programs. In addition to er work in Japan in the past 25 years, she has worked at nonprofit organizations in the US.

Mika has a bachelor’s degree in Law from Rikkyo University (Tokyo, Japan) and a master’s degree in International Politics from Claremont Graduate University (Claremont, California, USA).

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